Virtual session on Startup and Entrepreneurship | July 15, 2024
down town Venture Labs Foundation (dtVL), together with The StepUp Ventures and ALMINICA AB, Sweden organized a virtual seminar held July 15, 2024 on Startup & Entrepreneurship where more than 50 startups and student enthusiasts participated. Mr. Raja Singh Bhurji, CEO of The Stepup Ventures spoke on “Mastering Product-Market Fit for Startups” while Dr. Mikael Syväjärvi, Founder and CEO of ALMINICA AB, Linköping, Sweden shared his insights on “Making an Impact in Research & Startup”.
Prof. Dr. Prof. Sunandan Baruah, DEng Baruah, CEO, down town Venture Labs Foundation and Director, Directorate of Research, Innovation and Acceleration (DISA), AdtU welcomed the participants and informed that a series of similar seminars have been lined up to benefit the new entrants to the Startup ecosystem.
down town Venture Labs has signed Memorandum of Understanding with both The Stepup Ventures and Alminica AB to work together to add vibrancy to the Innovation and Startup ecosystem in North East India. This dynamic association is set to ignite innovation, mentorship, and financial opportunities for budding entrepreneurs in the North East.